ROI assesses marketing campaign success by revealing how effectively money invested generates returns.

How to Calculate ROI of a Marketing Campaign?

To find ROI easily, subtract total marketing cost from sales growth, then divide the result by the marketing cost.

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Example: Sales increased by $1,000. Subtract the $100 marketing cost, then divide by the marketing cost for a 900% return on investment.

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Start by setting clear goals for your marketing campaign—this is the first step for calculating its Return on Investment (ROI).

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Secondly, figure out the campaign cost—add up expenses like making materials, running ads, and any third-party services used, including marketing firms.

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Finally, figure out the money the campaign brought in—count everything earned directly, like sales and leads.

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To figure out revenue accurately, track conversion rates and average sale value. Consider organic sales growth for a more thorough ROI.

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Campaign duration affects ROI calculation. Short campaigns may hinder accurate ROI, while long ones can generate revenue beyond the period.

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Another formula for calculating ROI on different datas, one can use:  ROI = (Revenue – Cost)                             Cost

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