If you are trying to save money then every decision you make should relate to your goals.
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You need to pay more attention to your spending to save money where self-improvement is the main key.
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Per packet of potato chips costs $4.51, so If we stop consuming them we could save up to $325 per year.
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Instead of buying a container to keep food which costs you $20-$40, you can re-use the container you bought in past, which could save you money.
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If you set your thermostat 1 degree warmer in summer and 1 degree cooler in winter you can save up to 10% yearly.
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Start using half of your laundry detergent, compared to the detergent you use throughout the year($14 for one pack) save up to $168 per year.
Image Source: Unsplash
Prepare a monthly menu of your lunch and dinner and make a list of ingredients that you will require and avoid eating out.
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Sell the stuff that is not in use like your collection of American dolls for which you can get around $1500.
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The average American spends $1800 on clothing, stop buying clothes for the next 2 years and you could save up to$2500.
Image Source: Unsplash